Opportunities to receive sample collection devices for pilot studies

HHEAR is offering researchers interested in adding environmental exposures to their studies of human health the opportunity to obtain the following sample collection devices:

  • Dried blood microsamplers
  • Silicone wristbands

Investigators will be required to provide documentation of IRB approval for new data collection with sample collection devices before HHEAR can provide the devices.

Dried Blood Microsamplers

blood microsamplers
Blood microsamplers

Over the last decade, there is increased interest in the use of dried blood microsamplers (e.g. Mitra samplers) in epidemiological research. In contrast to venous blood, a dried blood spot can be collected at home or in the field without specialized training, is less invasive, and provides adequate sample volume for untargeted analysis of endogenous metabolites and exogenous exposures, making microsamplers ideal for population-based research. In particular, because they only require a finger or heel prick, blood microsamplers can be used to collect repeated measurements over short windows or be used to collect samples from susceptible populations.

The Mount Sinai (ISMMS) HHEAR Untargeted and Targeted Development Cores are interested in collaborating with investigators who want to pilot the use of microsamplers for exposome research. Costs of the Mitra samplers themselves, consultation on use, and laboratory analysis of the samplers will be paid by ISMMS. Of particular interest are on-going studies, in which collecting biological samples may further enhance characterization of exposures and biological response, particularly in under-represented communities or populations.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Lauren Petrick at the ISMMS HHEAR Resource: lauren.petrick@mssm.edu.

Silicone wristbands

silicone wristbands
Silicone wristbands

The Duke Environmental Analysis Laboratory Hub is now offering silicone wristbands to eligible researchers interested in adding on environmental exposures to their human health research studies.

Silicone wristbands are a personal passive sampler that is worn on the wrist, typically for a period of one week. Analysis of these wristbands can provide relevant information on organic chemical contaminant exposures in the ambient environment. Research studies have demonstrated that the concentrations of chemicals that accumulate on the wristbands are significantly correlated with established biomarkers of exposure in both blood and urine. This includes organophosphate esters used as flame retardants and plasticizers, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, parabens, triclosan, and some phthalates (See Hammel et al. 2016, 2018, 2020; Dixon et al. 2018, Levasseur et al., 2020 for further information).

Costs of the silicone wristbands, consultation on use, and laboratory analysis of the wristbands will be paid by the Duke HHEAR Lab Hub for a few (1-2) proposed projects per year that request analysis on a small number of wristbands (<100).

For more information, or to discuss using wristbands in your research study, please contact Dr. Heather Stapleton via email at heather.stapleton@duke.edu.


Dixon, H. M.; Scott, R. P.; Holmes, D.; Calero, L.; Kincl, L. D.; Waters, K. M.; Camann, D. E.; Calafat, A. M.; Herbstman, J. B.; Anderson, K. A., Silicone wristbands compared with traditional polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure assessment methods. Anal Bioanal Chem 2018, 410 (13), 3059-3071.

Hammel, S. C.; Hoffman, K.; Webster, T. F.; Anderson, K. A.; Stapleton, H. M., Measuring Personal Exposure to Organophosphate Flame Retardants Using Silicone Wristbands and Hand Wipes. Environ Sci Technol 2016, 50 (8), 4483-91.

Hammel, S. C.; Philips, A. L.; Hoffman, K.; Stapleton, H. M., Validating the Use of Silicone Wristbands to Measure Personal Exposure to Brominated Flame Retardants. Environmental Science and Technology 2018.

Levasseur, J. L.; Hammel, S. C.; Hoffman, K.; Phillips, A. L.; Zhang, S.; Ye, X.; Calafat, A. M.; Webster, T. F.; Stapleton, H. M., Young children's exposure to phenols in the home: Associations between house dust, hand wipes, silicone wristbands, and urinary biomarkers. Environ Int 2020, 147, 106317.

Hammel, S. C.; Hoffman, K.; Phillips, A. L.; Levasseur, J. L.; Lorenzo, A. M.; Webster, T. F.; Stapleton, H. M., Comparing the Use of Silicone Wristbands, Hand Wipes, And Dust to Evaluate Children's Exposure to Flame Retardants and Plasticizers. Environ Sci Technol 2020.