HHEAR Pilot and Feasibility Program

The Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource (HHEAR) Pilot and Feasibility (P&F) Program is no longer accepting applications.

The HHEAR P&F Program will provide laboratory analysis services for generation of preliminary data in support of grant applications that add environmental exposure assessment to studies of human health.


The goals of the HHEAR P&F program are to:

  • Encourage and support new and experienced investigators to add environmental exposure assessment to their studies of human health
  • Provide an opportunity for investigators to study novel exposures and outcomes
  • Provide investigators with readily accessible access to HHEAR laboratory analysis services to generate preliminary data for additional research funding from NIH or other national granting agencies
  • Support improvement and expansion of HHEAR infrastructure

Examples of the types of projects suitable for the HHEAR P&F program include laboratory analyses to:

  • Assess adequacy of stored human biological or environmental samples for proposed analyses
  • Determine if biomarker of interest can be detected in human biological or environmental samples
  • Assess usefulness of biomarker for testing association between environmental exposures and health outcomes
  • Assess exposure distribution of an environmental chemical in population of interest


An investigator may be eligible for the HHEAR P&F program if all of the following apply:

  • Investigator must be eligible to apply for an NIH grant at his/her home institution
  • Investigator must have access to an ongoing or completed epidemiological or clinical study on human health which has been approved for human subjects research by an Institutional Review Board (IRB)
  • Investigator wants to add environmental exposure data to his/her research or needs more extensive analysis of exposures to support a scientific hypothesis related to human health outcomes
  • Investigator has existing human biological or environmental samples

We especially encourage applications from investigators who have not previously included environmental exposure assessment in their research on human health. We also encourage applications that are consistent with HHEAR research priorities for funding agencies.

Scope of Services

The services provided under the P&F Program include laboratory analyses of biological or environmental samples not to exceed $25,000 (roughly 100 sample analyses) per application. Applicants may request analyses at a total cost of greater than $25,000 but will be expected to provide a matching cost-share of up to $25,000.

Application Review:  All applications will be reviewed and applicants notified of decisions by the end of March 2023.

Post-Approval Activities: Within 6 weeks of approval, investigators must provide documentation of IRB approval and work with the Lab Hub to execute the HHEAR MTA and complete a Laboratory Analysis Plan. These tasks must be completed before sample shipment. If samples are not shipped to the HHEAR Lab Hub by July 3, 2023, the project will be canceled.

Questions: If you have questions about the HHEAR P&F Program, please contact us at HHEAR_CC@westat.com.