CHEAR Moving Forward

New requests for CHEAR services are no longer being accepted.

CHEAR was launched in 2015 to provide access to an infrastructure for adding comprehensive exposure analysis of biological sample to existing studies of children’s health. In 2019 NIEHS will establish a new infrastructure, the Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource (HHEAR) as a continuation of CHEAR. The scope of HHEAR will expand to include environmental exposures and health outcomes at all life stages. In addition, HHEAR will add analyses of environmental samples linked to biological samples to examine the sources of environmental exposures. The goal is to provide the research community access to laboratory and statistical analyses to add or expand the inclusion of environmental exposures in their research and to make that data publicly available as a means to improve our knowledge of the comprehensive effects of environmental exposures on human health throughout the life course.

It is anticipated that HHEAR will be funded in the summer of 2019. Applications for HHEAR services will be accepted shortly thereafter.

HHEAR will be available in 2019.

Visit the main NEIHS website for more information.